Workshops that Deliver Results
Victoria’s workshops offer solutions you’re looking for:
- Easy to implement tools to recognize mental illness early
- Proven self-care and creativity strategies for peak performance
- Innovative methods to discuss and reduce stigma
- Actionable, sustainable skills to optimize mental health and wellness
Each workshop is customized for your event theme, your audience, and your outcomes.
Workshop lengths: 1 hour – ½ day. All eligible for continuing education units (CEUs).
Programming Suggestion: To enhance learning and create an excellent half day professional development session, book a theatrical keynote prior to the workshop.
“Fantastic workshop. The participants all fell in love with Victoria! She inspired many folks.”
Wayne McNiven, Head of Community/Career Education, VCC
Creating Wellness and Reclaiming Self-Care
How do you make time for self-care when competing priorities and pressing needs vie for your attention every day? To retain top talent, how do leaders create a meaningful workplace to engage people and help them thrive? If you struggle with mental health issues, what are the vital tools that help you recover and live a rich life? As a healthcare professional, how do you engage those you serve to be proactive in their wellness journey?
This interactive, fun workshop offers simple, sustainable solutions to optimize mental health, help reach peak performance and create high engagement at work and beyond.
Click here for details
Participants will:
- Define self-care and understand it as a non-negotiable
- Receive a take-away tool to implement that assesses quality of life and results in a clear picture of imbalances, strengths and next steps to improve well-being
- Use a simple strategy to move out of the “fight, flight or freeze” stress response into the relaxation response and present moment
- Practice an exercise to quickly shift mood and energy that can be easily applied on a daily basis
Ideal for events with themes of mental health and wellness, workplace wellness, disability and diversity; or community and corporate events.
Ideal audience: workplace leaders, employees, HR staff, diversity leaders; union leaders and stewards; healthcare professionals, clinicians, nurses, social workers, individuals with mental illness, family and friends.
“Victoria was extraordinary! She engages the audience capturing the feelings of the experience & delivers an inspirational, educational message. We’ve signed her up to return for this year’s meeting.”
Ed Murphy, SHA Executive Director, New Jersey
Ready, Set, Recognize: Detecting Workplace Mental Health Issues and How to Help
Combining her own ‘been there – done that’ experience of bipolar disorder, anxiety and psychosis, her successful return to work and knowledge as a mental health worker, Victoria offers a clear overview of mental illnesses, early warning signs and the associated risk factors.
The program helps differentiate performance problems from mental health issues and provides a concise and effective framework to sensitively approach, talk and support individuals who may be dealing with mental health issues.
Click here for details
Participants will:
- Have a clear understanding of mental health, mental illness and its early warning signs
- Increase skills to help others who may be dealing with mental health issues
- Define two areas of work function impacted by mental illness
- Decrease stigma surrounding mental illness
- Practice 1 method of approaching an individual using the acclaimed O.A.R.S. framework
- Experience an increased comfort discussing mental illness + mental health
Ideal for events with themes of mental health and wellness, workplace wellness; community and corporate events.
Ideal audience: workplace leaders, employees, HR staff; union leaders and stewards; healthcare professionals; teachers, school staff; individuals with mental illness, family and friends; general public and community leaders.
“The playshop exceeded all expectations. I’m a more competent & courageous speaker. Thank-you!”
Jeanette MacDonald, visual artist & author
Catalyst for Creativity and Courage Playshop
Research shows creativity, mental health, productivity and wellness are highly correlated.
This fun, highly interactive keynote gets people to step out of your comfort zone into their courage and creativity zone.
Through improv games, simple writing activities and creativity exercises, participants take away tools that enhance wellness and recovery, boosts confidence and builds resilience. Equally beneficial to the workplace, the strategies sharpen focus and presentation skills and improves problem solving and team work. No experience necessary – only willingness!
Click here for details
Participants will:
- Practice improv games that enhance active listening, healthy risk taking and creativity
- Walk away with science-based creativity exercises that promote self-care and team work; reduce stress and build mental health
- Explore timed writing activities that develop innovative thinking and cultivate empathy and respect for others
- Take away with 3 exercises that promote courage and confidence
Ideal for events with themes of mental health and wellness, workplace wellness; team building, innovation and leadership; community and corporate events.
Ideal audience: workplace leaders, employees, HR staff; union leaders and stewards; healthcare professionals, caregivers; educators, school staff; individuals with mental illness, family and friends; general public and community leaders.
“Your presentation was so powerful and continues to have a big impact. Thank you again for helping to change the world, which you clearly are, one person, one group at a time.”
Jewel Buksa, President, Buksa Strategic Conference Services
Enhancing Recovery, Improving Outcomes
Recovery is not a fad, but a reality and the paradigm shift occurring with mental health systems across the country. In order to improve outcomes, patients and clients need to be fully engaged.
Victoria will offer solutions to adherence issues. Strategies will illustrate the importance of collaborative decision making, alignment of treatment plans with patients’ already existing wellness tools (Dr. Pat Deegan’s Personal Medicine), exploration of internalized stigma and how these approaches aid professionals to be more effective and empower the individuals they work with.
Click here for details
Participants will:
- Identify 3 key barriers to recovery
- Take away 4 strategies that overcome barriers and improve engagement
- Explore Personal Medicine as a collaborative decision making tool and means to improve rapport
- Practice using the Life Compass to increase quality of life and insight
- Describe a method to explore internalized stigma
- Experience the benefits of attending to 1 life domain
Ideal for events with themes of mental health and wellness; disability and diversity; overcoming adversity, recovery.
Ideal audience: healthcare professionals, clinicians, nurses, social workers, caregivers; healthcare organization and hospital staff; educators, school staff; individuals with mental illness, family and friends; union leaders and stewards; community leaders.
“Victoria’s presentations are incredibly enlightening…recommended at the highest level.”
Dr. Harry Karlinsky, Director, Continuing Medical Education, Psychiatry, University of BC