When I was a kid, Halloween scared me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved trick or treating (mini Oh Henry Bars in particular). I loved creating costumes from scratch. I loved making multitudes of Kleenex ghosts and hanging them in our front window.
What I didn’t like was walking home the weeks before and after the day. Why? Firecrackers. Those freakin’ things seemed to be everywhere. Local bullies took no small pleasure at lighting them near me and threatening to throw them my way. I didn’t have any confidence to stand up to these blokes. Nor did I have friends or siblings who walked home with me to help stave them off or at the very least to reassure me and steady my nerves. Nope. It was one long scramble uphill – the whole entire way no less – back home. If I had even one friend with me during the traipse back to our rented house, the string of those lightning snaps that gave me such panicked pause would have been easier to face.
Super Fan Steve
That’s why when I read an article in our local paper about Steven Guinter-Plank, also known as Superfan Steve, I was moved.
Steve travels to countless minor league hockey games and there, cheers on every kid by name – on both teams. He flips through the program or gets a roster from the manager to make sure he doesn’t leave any player out. He even cheers for the refs.
You’ll find him switching jerseys throughout a game and shouting chants for each side. He started in his hometown and was motivated to continue because of the Humboldt Broncos bus tragedy that claimed 16 people’s lives and injured 13. In an interview, he says as he shouts “Good job! Here we go everybody!” he can see a little more jump in their step.
His enthusiasm is contagious. Hockey parents, supporting only their son’s or daughter’s team, once witnessing what Superfan Steve does, often start cheering for both sides.1
It’s this kind of social support that was key to my recovery from mental illness. It continues to be key to maintaining my mental health.
The benefits of social support to mental and physical health
Numerous studies show the benefits of social support to mental and physical health and the consequences of poor social support.2 Generally speaking, social support refers to the different ways in which we’re helped by others, both physically and emotionally and in particular, during times of need.
Superfan Steve shows the big impact small but specific gestures of support can make.
When I was in the deep throes of depression early in my struggle to find recovery, it was spending even just an hour with my friend Kerry that made a difference. Having him walk alongside me, so to speak, talk about things other than how to feel better and instead talk about our favorite TV shows. THAT’S what helped me. I didn’t need any fancy answer or new fangled resource. I just wanted a friend to hang out with for a bit.
Recently while experiencing bouts of intense anxiety, it’s been my husband who’s stalwartly and lovingly had my back. Grocery shopping together, a short walk around the neighborhood, a spontaneous hug during my workday, a surprise cup of coffee: these small deeds kept me glued together when I felt like I was falling apart.
The gestures don’t have to be grand or costly. Simple and personal work best – at least for me. Like Steve calling out the name of each individual kid – that’s what makes it special.
Imagine how I might have felt if I had a Superfan Steve of my own shouting ‘You got this Victoria! You can do this!’ on the sidewalk sidelines as I walked home while those firecrackers were exploding? I think I would have felt like a champion.
If you’re stymied as to how to show your support for someone keep it simple, keep it small, and personalize it. Does your friend love dark chocolate? A tiny bar left on her doorstep might be a good pick me up. Is your sister an avid science buff? Pick up a few National Geographics at your local thrift store. Does your neighbor enjoy hiking? See if they would like to walk through a local park. Maybe it’s saying hello and introducing yourself to the elderly man on the motorized scooter. You may be the only person he talks to today.
Your simple but powerful acts of kindness offer social support that has positive ripple effects in people’s lives. Science proves it. I’ve experienced it. Recovery, wellness and resilience are born from these small seeds of attention.3
Superfan Steve shows how easy it is to be a super fan and how important it is as well. You don’t have to travel to countless towns. It may just be knowing someone’s name. After hearing about Steve I’m now a superfan of his! I guess that makes me a ‘Superfan Steve’ Superfan.
How are you going to show your support for someone today?
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© Victoria Maxwell
- Bantam Bauer interview
- Ozbay, Fatih et al. “Social support and resilience to stress: from neurobiology to clinical practice” Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township)) vol. 4,5 (2007): 35-40.
- Southwick, Steven M et al. “Why are some individuals more resilient than others: the role of social support” World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) vol. 15,1 (2016): 77-9.
Hi Victoria. I agree with you completely. It is becoming clear that lack of social interaction can be fatal for lonely seniors. I am working at maintaining my mental wellness by socializing and exercise. Dr Martin Seligman coined the term mental wellness.
Dr Stephen Ilardi, a psychologist, neurologist, and author of The Depression Cure, emphasizes far more than just medications to treat depression. He is keen on the above thoughts, particularly the importance of exercise. But he also strongly supports socializing.
I always enjoy your newsletters.
Cheers, Roger Smith – summer resident of Plumper Cove, Keats Island.
Hi Roger! So glad you liked the article. Social support and exercising both so very important. Today I was feeling so pooped and knew a nice run outside would help boost my energy. It did. I always feel better after a run. Part of it is being outside, even if it’s raining! Victoria